الاثنين، 28 يونيو 2010

the dynamic factor

The dynamic is the factor that the physical states depend on it, the energy the material and the space-time network are in dynamic cases, the dynamic found in many forms like the speed or velocity ,the speed or velocity is the derivative of the position with respect to the time which is stated in the mathematical expression v=ds/dt , v is the speed , ds is the position , dt is the time , the unit of the velocity is meter /second , from the velocity equation we find the speed is derived from the space dimension and time dimension , this is one of the equation which support the dynamic is dimension case .

The other form for the dynamic case is the frequency , the frequency we can consider it as the characteristic or the property of any case in physics , all the large and small bodies like the stars ,galaxies , or the sub-atomic particles have certain frequency , and the energies bandwidths has certain frequency , like the electromagnetic waves they have equation determine the speed of this electromagnetic waves which it is equal to the light speed 3*10^8 m/s this equation states :


S is the light speed , f is the frequency , l is the wave length , this explains too the dynamic is the part of the dimensional system , because the speed is the resultant of the dimensional case of the space and time .

The energy and the mass depends too on the dynamic case from Einstein equation

E =m*c^2

E is the energy, m is the mass , c is the light speed , the light speed is the dynamic form which determine the energy and the mass

Blanc equation explain too the energy dependence on the dynamic case

E = f*h

E is the energy , f is the frequency , h is the Blanc constant which its value 6,625*10^-34 joule*second

There are many other dynamic forms like the rotational speed , and the linear motion

The energy's hole hypothesis

I submit this hypothesis as mechanism can explain how the material is formed in universe , I suppose that in every energy's standard (energy's level) there is maximum point energy , in every maximum point energy there is hole, this hole like the black hole in the center of the galaxy , the energy in the center of the galaxy is high energy , the hole in the maximum energy's hole is the point of the energy's condensation , the energy's condensation will generate the material , we mean in the material in this article the sub-atomic particles, the energy bound state is represented by the points which are generated in the energy's standards , the hadronization and ionization are the examples of the maximum point energy , we can notice the energy condensation by sub-atomic particles which are generated in the hadronization or ionization , the energy's points are generated in the energy fluxes like the reactors the suns the stars and any flux energy generators .

The energy flux has many energy's standards points , the maximum points and minimum points , in the maximum points the energy's hole will be formed , and when it is formed the energy will be condensed , and the particles will be generated this happened when the universe is generated , the material is created when the grand unified energy was generated , when the grand unified force is generated the maximum point energy was formed , and when this point was formed the energy condensation happened , that led to the material formation , this is one of the examples which may support my hypothesis of the energy's hole and the energy condensation which led to the material formation , the quasar is one of the high energy source it thought that it generates the material and it like the white hole which supplies the universe of the material , however we can depend on the Einstein formula which states


E is the energy, m is the mass, c is the light speed which its value 3*10^8 m/s

This means that the energy can be condensed to form the mass which is property of the material , the maximum point energy here when the body reached to the speed of the light or below

الخميس، 24 يونيو 2010

the energy and meterial

The energy and the material

The two concepts refer to the more important factors which forms the universe, the material in physics means anything has mass can be found in certain space in universe .

The mass is the basic property for the material we in this article speak about the very little masses in universe which forms the large masses , we speak about the sub-atomic particle s , the masses of the sub-atomic particles is in contact with energies , therefore we can see the changes in energy effect on the sub-atomic particles masses .

In physics there are 12 sub-atomic particles they

The six quarks (the units which forms the protons and neutrons) The up quark, dawn quark , strange quark , bottom quark , charm quark ,and top quark.

And the other six sub-atomic particles are the electron, moun , tau , and the accompanied neutrinos for the three particles which are neutrino electron ,neutrino moun , and neutrino tau ,this is the sub-atomic particles which has masses, every one of these particles has certain energy standard or energy level found in it, the energy is related in the formation of this particles and their masses , the energy which found in the universe in fourth forms ,

The fourth energies are

1-the strong energy which are carried by quantum (the quantum is imaginary particle does not have mass) this quantum called gluon, the strong energy is controlling the connections of the quarks and the particles which consists of the quarks like the protons and neutrons , the particles which consist of the quarks called the hadrons , the hadrons is classified to baryon and meson , the baryon consist of three quarks while the meson consist of the quark and anti quark , it is not possible the quarks found in single they found in groups , we named these groups the hadrons , the hadrons consist of the quarks and the gluons.

The hadrons forms the nucleus of the atom .

2-the electromagnetic force which are carried by quantum called the photon , the photon is interacting with charged particles like the electrons the mouns the tau and the protons , the electromagnetic is the force which make the electrons move in certain orbits round the nucleus of the atom , this force is controlling the interactions between the atoms to form the molecules .

3-the weak force this force is carried by particles called the z ,w+ and w- bosons ,this particles have masses , this force is controlling the decays interactions for the particles ,any particles will be decayed this force will be generated.

4-the gravity force this force is not related the sub-atomic particles it effects on the large bodies in the space it is the weakest and more range force its effect on the sub-atomic particles is very weak but its effect on the sub-atomic particles cannot be neglected it is carried by quantum called graviton .

The strongest force is the strong nuclear force , and the second strongest force is the electromagnetic it equal 1/137 of the strong force , the weak force equal 10^-14 of the strong force , the weakest force is the gravity it equal 10^-49 of the strong nuclear force , the strong nuclear force is the shorter range effect while the gravity force is the longer range effect ,

We can conclude that the strong nuclear force , the weak nuclear force and the electromagnetic force are the internal forces inside the atomic construction , while the gravity is external force depend on the size (volume) and the distance and effect on the large bodies , it is not found inside the atom that is mean it is space and volumetric force

السبت، 19 يونيو 2010

The 5th dimension

In the beginning I would like to say that the dimension system which we depend is static , but the universe is in dynamic case therefore the dynamic should be represented in the dimension system, this dimension system is formed according to the theory of relativity , it supposes that the universe is space-time network it gave many solutions for many problems in physics after the 19th century physics problems

We can suppose according to the physical fact that there is not static case in universe and the universe is in dynamic case , we can suppose the space-time network is in dynamic too

And the dynamic is a part of this dimension system, we can consider that the dynamic is dimension like the time or like the width or the length or the height

There are many theories submitted another dimension system like the string theory which supposed the universe consist of 11dimensions , and klose theory which suppose that there is another dimension in addition to the space-time , klose considered this dimension is like the loops

This dimension may be dynamic dimension , we can find the mathematical expression to the dynamic dimension this expression states that the dynamic dimension is the space derivative to the time


That Dd is the derivative of the dynamic , ds is the space derivative ,dt is the time derivative

There are many forms for the dynamic case like frequency, speed, velocity and the another motion types , the universe when it was born it was in dynamic case when the big pang is began the dynamic case controls the universe , every state in universe in motion the energy and the material , everything in this universe in dynamic from the sub-atomic particles like the quarks inside the hadrons the electrons in the atom and out of the atom the atom in the molecules and out of the molecules , the molecules too in the dynamic case , the rays in the universe like the electromagnetic rays and the free particles like the electrons mouns taus and neutrinos , to the huge bodies like the stars the galaxies ,

The dynamic dimension is represented in the diagrams as the curves like the frequency representations and the other motion types representations

the four forces in physics the strong ,the electromagnetic ,the weak ,and the gravity depends on the dynamic case to do their effect in universe , any case in universe need to the dynamic

الخميس، 10 يونيو 2010

The principles of the genes axis theory

there are many hypotheses I will submit them in this theory these hypotheses considered as principles of the genes axis theory the principles include

1-every gene does not its function as single it does its function as member of series, this series is setting up the conditions for this gene to do its function then this gene will share to setup the conditions for new genes to do their functions (this process we call it as the differentiations line) .

2-the gene can do many different functions in many different series for example the tumor suppressor genes do their functions in different cells and different tissues in every cell they do different way of functions

3-the similar genes axis will be active in similar cells for example the different cells which derived from the same stem cell, like the active genes in the neuron cells in brain and the neurons in peripheral nervous cells the gene axis are similar the genes .

4- the active genes series term is different than the active genes group in the cells the active genes mean all the gene which do their functions in the cells while the gene series mean the previous active genes that setup the conditions to the new genes to do their functions in the new derived cells both them can be called the gene axis theory .

5- will not be necessary that the defected copy or the disorder in one genes will affect the other genes series because the different strategy that the genes axis will depend but some genes will affect on the genes axis this we can find it in some fetal genes in embryo growth like the original genotype in hemophilia which will be dreadful in the female embryo and many other dreadful genes in the embryo growth which will affect the genes axis or genes series .

6-all the genes axis will be affected by the internal environments(inside the body cells ) and the external environment (the group of the physical and chemical out of the body)

7-the body physiology depends on the sum of the genes axis or genes active functions, the genes axis functions for the body physiology like the wires for the electric equipment

8- the genes axis will start when zygote will be formed than will develop to generate new gene axis during all the stages of the embryo growth and the genes axis will continue to be formed during the stage after the body is born and will continue to be formed from the childhood stage to the adultness stage to the aging and will stop in the death ,during all the these stages groups of genes will be activated in every stage

الخميس، 3 يونيو 2010

The sub-atomic dimensions:

The atomic diameter is10^-10 m (1 Angstrom)

The atomic nucleus diameter is10^-14 m

The hadrons particles(proton and neutron and mesons ) diameter 10^-15 m (1 Fermi)

The quark diameter 10^-18 m(1 Otto)

The scattering cross section of the electrons and photons 1bran (100 fermi^2 )(10^-28m^2)

the complete to the previous blogger

The gene axis theory :

This is complete of the blogger which I wrote about this theory and the video that I broadcasted it in my YouTube account (neutrinoable),I will write some clarifications for this theory .

To understand this theory we should understand the genes basis for the stem cells.

The stem cells are the cells which form the embryo organs like hart liver kidney spleen …etc

This cells is derived from the primary development for the zygote, the first stage of the embryo growth depend on certain genes be active when the zygote is formed.

This active genes in the zygote will setup for new genes activity , will appear in the in the advanced growth stage cells like stem cells.

We can call the active genes in the cells the gene line or gene axis the steps of the embryo growth and developments is determined by the genes line in every previous growth stage in the embryo cells .

The stem cells development and derivations depend on the active genes series in this cells which will determine the next cells which will be formed from the stem cells development.

The active genes in the cells we can call it too the genes series .

The process will not stop in the stem cells it will continue in all the body growth and development for the embryo stage and the next stage after the body is born , this process will continue until the aging stage will stop in the death .

I selected the stem cells because it will give clear example for the gene series development and the new genes activity in the next stem cells.

For example the active genes in the liver cells it was not active before the stem cells is formed.

It became active when the genes which was active before the stem cells stage setup to the active genes in the liver cells to be formed new genes series.

Understanding the genes series or the genes lines of the stem cells will help us to know much about the stem cells mechanism. And the embryo growth mechanism .

The genes lines or the genes series will help us to understand our programmed biological life in every step of our growth our cell development.

Our cells genes axis knowledge can give us answers of for our aging causes our sickness causes .

There are many examples for this theory but the embryo growths is the better to understand this theory.

The gene lines is controlling our growth our cell development.

The genes lines or the genes series(the genes axis) is the active genes group in certain cells tissue which determine its function its divisions its form and its differentiation , the sperm active genes will make the sperm do its functions to cross the ova .

The active genes in ova and the sperms will control forming the zygote the active genes in the sperm and the ova will setup to new genes lines to be active in the zygote ,the new active genes will control the zygote divisions and differentiations, the active genes lines will setup to new genes line will be active in the new stage after the zygote divisions.,

The new cells in the embryo growth development after the zygote ,will divide and differentiate under the controls of the active genes in the cells in this stage.

The genes lines in the new cells will be formed depending on the previous stage cells genes lines .

This will continue during all the growth stages in body .

The genes involved the cancer

There are two types of the genes involved the cancers ,the tumor suppressor genes and the oncogenes ,the first type it prevents the cancers to be formed it suppresses the tumor by preventing the cancerous cell to divide this genes are controlling the cell divisions but when it subjects to mutations it will be reversible it will cause the cancer , the defected tumor suppressor genes will play role like the cancerous gene, the second type is the tumrigene which is divided to oncogenes and proto-oncogenes .

The oncogenes are the cancerous gene which is found originally in the cell , it plays role to defect the DNA to transform the cell to be cancerous cell , the proto-oncogenes it is formed by the viral infection it plays the same role of the oncogenes ,the corresponding between the oncogenes and the proto oncogenes will be necessary to activate the cancerous cell, I will show in this blog some of the tumor suppressor genes and the oncogenes in the human cells and their locations on the human chromosomes , the tumor suppressor genes

1-gene p53

Located on the short arm of human chromosome 17 in the section of 13 which is written as 17p13 it is the more important genes in the human genes it is called the human genome guard the defected copy of this gene will cause 50 types of the cancers one of them is the coli cancer it does its function by producing p53 protein which consists 393 amino acids

2-gene p73

It is located on the short arm of the chromosome 1 in section 36 1p36 it is similar to p53 and it depends on the p53 gene but when it be defected it will cause the tumor in the brain and when it be defected it may will defect p53 gene it does its function by producing p73 protein

3- gene p63

It is located on the long arm of the of chromosome 3 in the section of 27 which is written as 3q27 it is related split hand split foot syndrome it does its function by producing p63 proteins

4-gene RB

It is one of the tumor suppressor gene which play role in the cell division it is located on the long arm of the 13 chromosome in the section of 14 13q14 it produces RB protein which it is size 110 kilo Dalton

5-gene p21

It is tumor suppressor gene it play role by its protein it is located on chromosome 6 it play role to regulate the cell division it is related p53 gene

6-gene mdm2

It is tumor suppressor gene it play role to regulate the cell divisions the defected copy causes many cancers it is related in p53 p63 p73 genes its protein mdm2 important for the tumor suppressions it is located on human chromosome 12 in the long arm in the section 14 12q14

7- gene rbl1(p107)

It is located on the long arm of chromosome 20 in the section of11 20q11 it produces the p107 protein which bind RB protein like the envelop

8-gene rbl2(p130)

It is located on the long arm of 16 in the section of 12 16q12 its function like p107 function

9- gene WT1

It is one of the important tumor suppressor gene but it is less active the gene p53 it is located on the short arm of chromosome 11 in the section 13 11p13

10-gene WT2

It is located on the short arm of chromosome 11 in section 15 11p15 it is similar to WT1

11-gene NF1

It is tumor suppressor gene it is active in the central nervous fibroblast it is located on the long arm of chromosome 17 in section 17q11 it produces nf1 protein

12- gene NF2

It is located on the long arm of chromosome 22 in the section 12 22q12 it has the same function of NF1

13-gene sel1l

It is active in pancreas and spleen it is tumor suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in section 13 14q13

14-gene fat

It is tumor suppressor gene it is active in the breast it is located on the long arm of chromosome 4 in section34 4q34

15-gene orctl3

It is Active in the kidney tissue it is located on the short arm of chromosome 3 in section of 22 3p22

16-liver tumor suppressor gene

It is active in the liver it is located on chromosome 11


It is tumor suppressor gene it is located on the short arm of human chromosome3 in section 14 3p14

18-gene face1

It is tumor suppressor gene located on short arm of chromosome 1 in the section of 34 1p34

19-gene face2

It is similar to face 1 it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11in section of 13 11q13


It is active on the prostate it is located on chromosome 8

21-gene wwox

It is tumor suppressor gene located on the long arm of human chromosome16 in section of 23 16q23

22-gene p34

It is active in the lung tissue it is located on the long arm of chromosome 6 in section of 25 6q25

23- gene p16

It is active in pancreas it is located on the short arm of chromosome 9 in section21 9p21

24-gene VHL

It is one of tumor suppressor gene it is located on the short arm of chromosome 3 in section 25 3p25

25-gene APC

It is tumor suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of chromosome 5 in section 31 5q31

26-gene myo18

It is active in the lung it is located on the long arm of chromosome 22in section 12 22q12

27-gene FR3b

It is active in the lung it is located on the long chromosome 3 in section 14 3p14

28-gene ST18

It is breast cancer tumor suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of chromosome 8 in section 11 8q11

30- gilail tumor suppressor

It is active in gilail cells in nervous system it is located on the long arm of chromosome 19

new theory about the genes

The gene axis theory:

The genes axis is the active genes group in the cells , the active genes in the cells we can call it the genes lines ,it represents series of the active genes in the cells body, the active genes group in the cells which is the genes axis determine the cell growth ,the cells function and the cell differentiation . the cells division

The genes lines or the genes axis starts when the sperm is formed and the ova is formed .

The active genes group in the sperm and in the ova will control their activity before they unified , the genes in the sperms and the ova will control and determine the unification between the sperm nucleus and the ova nucleus to form the zygote the genes in the sperm and in the ova will setup new genes to do their functions in the new cell (the zygote) the new gene that will be active in the zygote will represent the gene axis or the gene line for the zygote , the active genes group will determine the zygote divisions growth activity and differentiation

The zygote when it divides will transform to new cells ,this will be the stages of the embryo growth stage ,the genes in zygote will determine and control the zygote transformations to new cells(the differentiations) the zygote active genes will setup new genes to do their functions in the new cells the new active genes in the new cells will be the genes axis theory in this cells , this genes will determine the cells functions division and differentiations this process will continue during embryo growth and will continue after the embryo is born will be during the body life until the aging then the death ..

In every stage in the growth in embryo and after the embryo stage will be genes axis or the gene line formations, inside our cells 30000 to 40000 genes but not all of them are active ,just some them active .

For example the active genes in the in the liver will not be necessary to be active in the heart or in the brain this depends on the mechanism of the genes axis ,

To understand this mechanism we should understand the genes basis of the original cells that our body organs and our body tissues was formed or derived from it

The original cells that we meant are the zygote ,the cells derived from the zygote and the stem cells , the stem cells are the embryonic cells transform(differentiate) to certain organ tissue, the liver cells was derived from the stem cell which will transform to the livers tissues cells, it is so with respect to the brain heart kidney and the other organs of the body, all the organs tissues cells were derived from the stem cells but for every organs tissues cells special stem cell the stem cells which will transform to the heart tissue cells will not transform to the liver tissues cell or the brain tissues cell this because of the genes axis or the genes lines which control the differentiation and division of this stem cells which will be determined to form certain organs tissues cells, the active genes in the stem cell will setup the genes will be active in the organs tissues cells which will be derived from the stem cell, will not be necessary all the active genes in the stem cells will be active in the new derived organ cells ,some genes will stop in the new cells after new genes will do their functions ,we may will find some genes active in certain organ tissue ,will be active in other organ tissue this depends on the approximation between the tissues cells like the approximation between the nervous cell and gilail cells ,like the approximation between the connective tissue and the muscular tissue.