In the beginning I would like to say that the dimension system which we depend is static , but the universe is in dynamic case therefore the dynamic should be represented in the dimension system, this dimension system is formed according to the theory of relativity , it supposes that the universe is space-time network it gave many solutions for many problems in physics after the 19th century physics problems
We can suppose according to the physical fact that there is not static case in universe and the universe is in dynamic case , we can suppose the space-time network is in dynamic too
And the dynamic is a part of this dimension system, we can consider that the dynamic is dimension like the time or like the width or the length or the height
There are many theories submitted another dimension system like the string theory which supposed the universe consist of 11dimensions , and klose theory which suppose that there is another dimension in addition to the space-time , klose considered this dimension is like the loops
This dimension may be dynamic dimension , we can find the mathematical expression to the dynamic dimension this expression states that the dynamic dimension is the space derivative to the time
That Dd is the derivative of the dynamic , ds is the space derivative ,dt is the time derivative
There are many forms for the dynamic case like frequency, speed, velocity and the another motion types , the universe when it was born it was in dynamic case when the big pang is began the dynamic case controls the universe , every state in universe in motion the energy and the material , everything in this universe in dynamic from the sub-atomic particles like the quarks inside the hadrons the electrons in the atom and out of the atom the atom in the molecules and out of the molecules , the molecules too in the dynamic case , the rays in the universe like the electromagnetic rays and the free particles like the electrons mouns taus and neutrinos , to the huge bodies like the stars the galaxies ,
The dynamic dimension is represented in the diagrams as the curves like the frequency representations and the other motion types representations
the four forces in physics the strong ,the electromagnetic ,the weak ,and the gravity depends on the dynamic case to do their effect in universe , any case in universe need to the dynamic
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