The important factor for the science is the communication , it was and still the way which enable the science to move from place to place from time to other, without the communication will not be any development will not be any civilization .
The science is dynamic always , that the science is studying the nature ,the nature one of its property is the dynamic that means that every thing in the nature is in communication with other, we should know if the science is studying the nature it should be in communication with all of the fields of the nature, the science move from civilization to other by the communication between them , the communication does not mean only the relation between to different places but mean the relation between generation to other and between time to other without this mean may we do not know any thing about the chimestry any thing about the physics any thing about biology any thing about the art any thing about poems litreture , the communication has many different forms , for example the history is one of the communication between the past and the prasent , it means too the communication between the generation I can see that it like the internet today to keep for us the achivement of the past .
The other form of the communication is the written which recorded for us the old world achivements , without the written may the humanish loss its civilizations the knowledge may we could not be able to make the machines will not be able to make the drugs will not be able to treat the sicks will not be able to understand fethagors theory we did not any thing about arstotal we without the witten we could not use the computer.
The other form of communication is the art , which made the life mean when we read the plays of chiksper the poems of almotanabi the poems of danti and lorka my we will not be able to feel the life mean accurately.
The last form that I will speak about is the technology same it, the technology does not mean only the absloute science progree it mean the result of all the efforts of what we remanded up it mesns the communication between te science the art the history and the human
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