the gene and environment controls our existance in this life our biological properties are determined by the genes affacted with the circumstances of the environment
the human have 30 thusnds to 40 thusnds genes these genes control all our cell functions we know that the multi cells bpdy consists of systems and the systems consist of the tissues the tissues consist of the cells
the cells contain centrol part called the nucles this contain the genes which they sequances of DNA thee genes considered the cell engineer which controls the cell function and determine the cells form and the cell sekeltal the genes function the genes functions are done by making the proteins which forms the cells parts and forms the enzymes which controls all metabolic process in the cells the protein it is the genes functions expression the cell when it does its functions it depends on the proteins type which formed by the active genes inside it
the genes make the proteins by makeing copy of RNA which contains the DNA message or instructions the genes contains codes called amino acids the amino acids are conected to the genes by three neuclutides called codons

this chemical languge controls our life the neuclutide the DNA consist of four neucltides as the following

the DNA sequance which forms the genes that build our cells found in certain protien parts called chromosome the chromosomes contain the genes and fond in the cell center which called nuecles 

the genes rules our cells inside these chromosomes we have 46 chromosomes they are found as 23 pairs we inherte 23 one from our mothers and the other 23 one from our father the last pair are not similar for males because they will be one of it X chromosome that we take it from our mothers and the other will be Y chromosome that we take it from our father but the famales take both from the father and mother X chromosome 

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