الخميس، 31 مارس 2011
The gene index
The human genome it is the more important project in biology it means studying the genes
their functions their constructions and their locations in chromosomes, It is
necessary to know much about our genes because that will give us the knowledge of
our biological properties and any drug in future may will be formed according to our
genetics properties, when we know the more important genes in our body cells.
The human genes knowledge will play important role in our biological life this may
will determine our food and our life style.
I will show abbreviation of some genes and some information about their functions and their locations but some genes I do not have enough information about their functions , therefore I will show their locations only.
The genes as the following:
1-gene p53:
It is tumour suppressor gene it suppresses the cancerous formation it regulates the cell growth and its division , it is located on the short arm human chromosome 17 in the section 13 which is written as 17p13
2- gene p73
It is tumour suppressors gene, it suppress the cancerous formation , it regulates the cells growth and divisions it is located on human chromosome 1 in the sort arm , and the section 36 1p36.
3-genes p63 :
It is tumour suppressor gene it suppresses the cancerous formation , it regulates the cell growth and division it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 27which is written as 3q27 .
4-gene RB:
it is tumour suppressors gene it suppresses the cancerous formation it regulates the cell division and growth it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13 in the section 14, 13q14.
5- gene RPL1(p107)
It forms protein 107 which represents the envelop of the protein RB , it is located on long arm of human chromosome 20 in the section 11, 20q11.
6-gene rpl2(p130)
It is tumour spressor gene it forms protein p130 which represents the envelope for RB protein , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16 in the section 12 , 16q12
7-gene APC
It is tumour supressor gene which supresses the cancerous formation it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 21 , 5q21
8- gene VHL
It is tumour supressor gene it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 25 ,3p25
It is cancerous gene it causes the tumour formation it is located on the short human chromosome 1 in the section 21 , 1p21
10-gene NB1
It is tumour supressor gene it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 36 , 1p36.
11-gene RCC
It is cancerous gene which forms the tumour it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 14 ,3q14
12- gene NF1
It is tumour supressor gene it is active in the brain it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 11 , 17q11
13- gene NF2
It is tumour suppressor gene it is active in the brain , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 12 , 22q12
14-gene BRCA1
It is cancerous gene , it causes the cancer of the breast and the ovary it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 21 , 17q21
15-gene BRCA2
It is cancerous gene it causes the cancer of the breast and the ovary it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13 in the section 32 ,13q32
16-gene men1
It is tumour suppressor gene it is cancerous gene it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11in the section 13 ,11p13
17-gene lmo2
it is cancerous gene it causes the cancer of the breast and the ovary it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 13 , 11p13
18-gene WT1
It is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11in the section 13 ,11q13
19-gene WT2
It is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 15 ,11q15
20-gene mdm2
It is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 14 , 12q14
21- gene p21
It is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the human chromosome 6
22-gene SEL1L
It is tumour suppressor gene it is active in the pancreas it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in the section 13 ,14q13
23- gene smn1,
This genes is active in the frontal cells in the spinal cord they control the nervous signal from the brain to the muscles it is located on the long arm of human chromosome5 in the section 13 ,5q13
24-gene smn2
This genes is active in the frontal cells in the spinal cord they control the nervous signal from the brain to the muscles it is located on the long arm of human chromosome5 in the section 13 ,5q13
25-gene spg6
It is gene active in the mid brain in the region which connects the two brain halves it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in the section 11, 15q11
26-gene spg11
It is active in the mid brain in the region which connects the two brain halves it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in the section 13 ,15q13
27- gene spg24
It is active in the mid brain in the region which connects the two brain halves it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13 in the section 14 , 13q14
28-gene SLC10A1
This gene regulates the thyroxin hormone in the cells it is located on the long arm of the human chromosome 14 in the section 24 ,14q24
29-gene SLC21A3
This gene regulates the thyroxin hormone in the cells it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12 ,12p12
30-gene MCT8
This gene regulates the thyroxin hormone in the cells it is located on the long arm of human chromosome X in the section 13, Xq13
31-gene G6PD
It is responsible of producing G6PD enzyme which controls the reactions inside the red blood cells it is located on the long arm of the human chromosome X in the section 28 , Xq28
32-gene colour blandness
It causes the colour blandness ,it is located on the long arm of human chromosome X in the section 28 , Xq28
33- gene haemophilia
This gene causing the genetics bleeding it is located on the human chromosome X
34-gene MHC
This gene forms the MHC protein which informs the T-cells killer that the anti gene is found inside the body s cell, it is immune gene , it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 6 in the section 21 , 6p21
35-gene LIM1
This gene active in the brain , it is necessary for the nervous cells in the brain it is located on the human chromosome 7
36-gene GATA2
It is immune gene , it is active in the immune cells it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 21 , 3q21
37- gene GATA4
It is immune gene , it is active in the immune cells it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 8 in the section 23, 8p23
38-gene GATA6
It is immune gene , it is active in the immune cells it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 18 in the section 11 , 18q11
39-gene M130
This gene is responsible of the human features and human phonology, it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 13 ,12p13
40- the alpha protein of the globins
It is responsible of producing the alpha protein which forms the haemoglobins it is located on the human chromosome 16 , it is two genes in the same chromosomal location
41-the beta globins gene
It is responsible of producing the beta protein which forms the haemoglobins it is located on the chromosome 11
42-RH gene a
This is one of the RH gene which forms RH protein in the red blood cells it is located on the short arm of the human chromosome 1 in the section 36 , 1p36
43-RH gene b
This is one of the RH gene which forms RH protein in the red blood cells it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 21 , 3q21
44-RH gene c
This is one of the RH gene which forms RH protein in the red blood cells it is located on the on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 12 , 22q12
45-gene ckop2
It is located on the two chromosomal location of the human chromosome 13 one of the two chromosomal location in the long arm of the human chromosome 13 in the section 14 and the other in the short arm of chromosomal 13 in the section 24 , 13q14p24
46-gene TBCE
This gene forms protein TBCE which form the cells membrane with tubline and actins it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 42 ,1q42
47-insuline like growth factor (sirt3 gene)
It is one of the important growth factor in the human cells it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 15 , 11p15
48-gene cd2
It is growth factor it is active in the T-cells it is located in the short arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 13 , 1p13
49-gene lamnA/C
It is producing the lamnA/C protein which forms the membrane of nucleus it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 21 , 1q21
50-V-HGH gene
It is responsible of the growth hormone protein it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17, 17q
51-gene GPRA a ,
It is active in the hypo campus in the brain it is related the epilepsy of the fever it is located in the short arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 14 , 7p14
52-gene GPRAb
It is active in the hypo campus in the brain it is related the epilepsy of the fever it is located in the short arm of human chromosome 7 in the section15,7p15
53-gene soumo4
It is responsible of the saccharine infection it is located on the human chromosome 16
54- fibrlin gene
It is active in the epithelial cells of the veins and artery it is located on the chromosome 7
55-gene BCR
Its function is unknown but it plays role in the cell life cycle it is located on human chromosome 22, it causes the leukaemia (blood cancer) when it unified with ABL gene which located on the human chromosome 9.
56-gene ABL
It is playing role in the cell division it forms the tyrosine kinease , it causes the cancer blood when it is unified with gene BCR , it is located on human chromosome 9
57- gene PNCYL
It is located on human chromosome 16
58-gene CFH
It causes in the eye illness it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1, 1q
59-gene AHH
This gene is active in the lungs cell , it produces the AHH enzyme it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2in the section 31 , 2q31.
60-HEXA gene
It is one of the important gene in the nervous cells it produces the HEXA enzyme which trnsforms the fat to prevent it to be inside the cell membrane it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in the section 24,15q24.
61-gene ADA
This gene produces enzyme ADA this enzyme is reducing the chemical composition ATPH this composition when will be over quantity it will kill the B_cells the important cells for the immunity , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 20 in the section 12 , 20q12
62-gene TNF
This gene is responsible of the TNF recipient this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 13 , 12q13.
63-gene conxin26
This gene is active in the ear cells it is related the deafness it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13, 13q
64- gene conxin30
This gene is active in the ear cells it is related the deafness it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13, 13q
65-gene conxin31
This gene is active in the ear cells it is related the deafness it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1, 1q
66-gene conxin32
This gene is active in the ear cells it is related the deafness it is located on the human chromosome X
67-gene ORLDM13
This gene related in the genetics infection of the asthma it is located on the human chromosome 17
68-gene LDL
This gene it causes the family low cholesterol it is located on the human chromosome 19.
69-gene FTO
This gene it causes the weight increases and the fatness it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16 in the section 12, 16q12.
70-gene C-MYC
It is tumour suppressor gene it suppresses the tumour formation it is located on the human chromosome 8
71-gene TPO
This gene is active in thyroid gland it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 25 , 2p25
72-gene KUP
This gene is active in the in the testis it is located on two chromosomal location on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in the section 23 and 24 , 14q23q24.
73-gene uRNA
This gene is group of small RNA sequences forms big mRNA called proto mRNA it is important for the cell activity, it is located on the short arm of the human chromosome 1 in the section 36, 1p36
74-genes T_cell receptor
It is the receptor of the immune T_cell , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in two chromosomal location , section 11 and section 12, 14q11q12
75-gene C-SRC
This gene it is cancerous gene it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 1, 1p
76-gene p160
It is tumour suppressor gene it is located on human chromosome 1
77-gene PGC
It is growth factor it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 6 in the section21 ,6p21.
78-gene PSCD3
This gene is growth factor it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 21,7p21
79-gene ABO
This gene determines the blood groups it is located on the human chromosome 9
80-gene KELL blood group
This gene determines the KELL blood group system it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 33 , 7q33.
81-gene info gamma (32p)
It is immune gene it is located on human chromosome 6
82-gene IL3
This gene is active in the immunity cells it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 23 , 5q23.
83-gene u1psuedogene
It is RNA genes it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in two chromosomal location ,section 12 and section 22, 1q12q22.
84-gene FGF9
It is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13 in two chromosomal location ,section 11 and section 12, 13q11q12
85-gene L3MTL
It is located on the long arm of human chromosome 20, 20q
86-gene TDT
This gene it is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the two chromosomal section 23,and 24, 10q23.
87-gene FAC1
This gene is related Alzheimer, it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 24 ,17q24.
88-tau gene
This gene it is tumour suppressor gene it is active in the nervous cells of the brain it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 21, 17q21
89- gene GAD1
This gene produces the glautamic acid which it is one of the genetics code , this acid plays role to determine the nervous signal by stimulating the nervous signal , the nerves depend on it 30% in the nervous signal determination , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 31 ,2q31
90- gene IFL
This gene is located on human chromosome 9
91-gene GAP
This gene located on chromosome 3
92-gene EF2
This gene is located on human chromosome 19
93-gene GABA
This gene is producing GABA acid which the nerves depend on it to determine the nervous signal , this acid is reducing the nervous signal , the nervous cells depend on it %70, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in two chromosomal location , section 34 and section 35 ,5q34q35
94-a4 gene
This gene is located on the human chromosome 4 in two chromosomal location one in the short arm in section 14and the other in the long arm in section 12,4p14q12.
95-gene a
This gene located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in two chromosomal section ,section 11 and section 13,15q11q13
96-gene PAP
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12 ,12p12.
97-gene PHD
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 9 in the section 22 , 9q22
98-gene CA2
This gene is located the long arm on human chromosome 8 in the section 22, 8q22
99-gene CNTFR
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome9 in the section 13 , 9p13
100-gene IGL
This gene produces protein immunoglobulin, it is necessary protein for the immunity , this protein forms the anti body, it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 11, 22q11.
101-gene CD200
It is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in two chromosomal location , section 12 and section 13 , 3q12q13.
102-gene BNP
This gene is active in the bones cells it controls the bones cell growth it is located on human chromosome 1.
103-gene RAD54
This gene is cancerous gene it is affected by the radiation , it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 32.
104-gene VEGF
It is growth factor it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 6 in two chromosomal location , section 12 and section 21, 6p12p21.
105-gene PIGF
This gene is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in two chromosomal section 24, and section 31, 14q24q31.
106-gene TBX1
This gene is active in the stem cells it is necessary for the stem cells it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the two chromosomal location , section 11 and section 21,22q11q21
107-gene RTNYR
This gene produces the RTNY receptors , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 11. 22q11
108-gene CHK2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 12 ,22q12
109-gene COMT
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in two chromosomal location section11 and section 21 , 22q11q21
110-gene EMX1
This gene is active in the brain nervous cells ,it plays role in the brain development , it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in two chromosomal location section 13 and section 14 ,2p13p14.
111- gene EMX2
This gene is active in the brain nervous cells ,it plays role in the brain development , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 26,10q26.
112-gene ADD2
This gene is located on human chromosome 2.
113-gene AUP1
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 13, 2p13.
114-gene Hdh
This gene it causes HANTIGTON chorea which causes the trembling of the lambs this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 16,4p16.
115-gene EMERINE1
This gene is located on the human chromosome X in the section 28, Xq28.
116-gene SIRP-B2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 20 in the section 13, 20q13.
117- gene INF
This gene controls the nervous signal transition in the nerves ,this gene located on the long arm of human chromosome 21 in two chromosomal location ,section 22 and section 23, 21q22q23
118-gene FRG1
This gene is active in the skeletal muscles , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 35,4q35
119- gene FSHR
This gene produces the receptors of hormone FSH which produces it the pituitary gland , this hormone stimulate the ova to be matured , this gene located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 21 ,2p21
120-gene FAT
This gene is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 34 , 4q34
121- gene ORCTL3
This gene is tumour suppressor gene , it is active in the kidney cells it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 22 , 3p22.
122-gene CFTR
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 31 , 7q31.
123- gene RFC2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 , its function is unknown , but thought that it is playing role in the cell growth , it is located on chromosome 7q
124-gene CF
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13 in the section 34, 13q34.
125-gene SETDB1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1,in the section 21, 1q21
126-gene HOX-7
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 16,4p16
127-gene RPL35A
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 29,3q29
128-gene IGF1
This gene is immunoglobulin factor this gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 22, 12q22
129-gene CLAR1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 13,1q13
130- gene PNMT
This gene is located on the long arm oh human chromosome 17 in two chromosomal location ,section 21, and section 22, 17q21q22
131- gene beta interferon
This gene is active in the immunity cells , it is located on the human chromosome 7.
132-gene CYP1A1
This gene is located on long arm of human chromosome 15 in the section 22, 15q22.
133-gene CYP2D6
This gene ls located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 13, 22q13.
134-gene CYP2E1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 24, 10q24.
135-gene GST alpha
This gene is located on the human chromosome 6
136-gene GST pi
This gene is located on human chromosome 11.
137-gene GST mu
This gene is located on human chromosome 3
138-gene NDUFS2
This gene produces the NDUFS2 protein which active in the mitochondrion , that plays role in the cells respiration , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 23 , 1q23.
139-gene P450
This gene produces enzyme cytochrome - c , this enzyme controls the cells respiration, and play important role in killing the cell, it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19 in the section 12, 19q12.
140-gene CST5
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 20 in the section 11 , 20q11.
141-gene TH2
This gene it is one of the important gene which produces nervous hormone it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 , 5q.
142-gene pi C21
This gene is located on the human chromosome 21.
143-gene PON
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 in two chromosomal location , section 22 and section 21 , 7q22q21
144-gene DBR
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1, 1q.
145-gene PMM1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22, in the section 13 , 22q13.
146-gene PMM2
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 16 in the section 13, 16p13 .
147-gene LCHAD
This gene plays role in the in the cell activity and the cells metabolism it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 23, 2q23.
148-gene SLD
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 31, 7q31.
149-gene FACE1
This gene is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 34, 1p34
150-gene FACE2
This gene is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 13, 11q13.
151-gene liver fatty acid
This gene is active in the liver , it regulates the fatty acid in the livers it is located on the human chromosome 2
152-liver tumour suppressor gene
This gene is active in the liver it is tumour suppressor gene , it prevents the cancer formation it is located on the human chromosome 11.
153-gene RENIEN
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 42, 1q42.
154-gene TCF4
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 25, 10q25.
155- gene HMG7
Thisgene is active in the lambs cells , it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 36, 1p36.
156-gene BFT
This gene is located on human chromosome 5
157- gene TPF
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13 in the section 17, 13q17
158- gene LXCL1
This gene is located on the human chromosome 4
159- gene EYCL1
This gene determine the eye colour , it is located on human chromosome 19.
160- gene EYCL2,3
This is two genes are located on the same chromosome , both have role to determine the eye colour , they are located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in two chromosomal locations , section 11 and section 15 , 15q11q15
161-gene C-ros
This gene is cancerous gene , it causes the tumour formation , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 6 in two chromosomal locations , section 16 and section 22, 6q16q22
162-gene C450F5
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in two chromosomal location , section 26, and section 27, 4q26q27.
163-gene CDH16
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16, in two chromosomal locations , section 21, and section 22, 16q21q22.
164-gene CDKN1B
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 13 , 12p13
165-gene TALDO1
This gene is located on the short arm of human of human chromosome 11 in the section 15, 11p15
166-gene COL2A1
This gene forms protein collagen this gene is important gene for the muscles of the body , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 13, 12q13
167- gene LRRK2
This gene is located on the human chromosome 12.
168- androgen receptor gene
This gene is responsible of producing the androgen hormone it is located on human chromosome X.
169-gene ZF
This gene it is sexual gene it is active in the sexual systems , this gene is located on the human chromosome X and Y and the long arm of human chromosome 1 , 1q.
170 gene NEDD1
This gene is growth suppressor this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 22, 12 q22 .
171-gene myoglobin
This gene is active in the muscles , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in two chromosomal location , section 11, and section 13 , 22q11q13.
172-gene CADM
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 31 , 1p31
173- gene COL11A1
This gene is producing important protein for the muscles , this gene is located on the human chromosome 1.
174- gene MTHF8
This gene is located on the human chromosome 1
175- gene ASPM
This gene determines the brain size , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 31 , 1q31.
176- gene NBN
This gene is located on the human chromosome 1.
177-gene KIF1B
This gene is located on human chromosome 1
178- gene RAD51
It is cancerous gene it is affected by the radiation it is located on the human chromosome 15.
179- gene USH2A
This gene is located on the human chromosome 1
180- gene STRC
This gene is located on human chromosome 15
181- gene SOD1,2
This gene is located on the human chromosome 21
182- gene COUPTF1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 14 , 5q14.
183- gene COUPTF2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in the section 26, 15q26.
184- gene FGFs
It is growth factor it is located on the human chromosome 8.
185- gene FGF11
It is growth factor it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 13 , 17p13.
186- gene GULOP
This gene is located on the human chromosome 8.
187- gene LPL
This gene is located on the human chromosome 8.
188- gene TG
This gene is located on the human chromosome 8 .
189- gene FGFB
This gene it is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 25, 4q25.
190- gene ATM
This gene causes the ATM syndrome it is located on human chromosome 11.
191- gene TH
This gene is located on human chromosome 11.
192- gene H3F3A
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 41, 1q41.
193-gene SAA1
This gene is located on human chromosome 11.
194- gene AZF
This gene is active in the male sexual system , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome Y in the section 11, Yq11.
195- gene D1 receptor
This gene is producing dopamine receptors, it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in two chromosomal locations , section 22 ,and section 23 , 11q22q23.
196- gene D2 receptors
This gene is producing dopamine receptors, it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 35.
197- gene ZFY
This gene is located on human chromosome Y.
198-gene TSPY
It is located on human chromosome y .
199- gene BPY2
This gene is active in the sexual system of the male it is located on the long arm of human chromosome Y in the section 11, Yq11.
200- gene MEFR
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 16 , in the section 13 , 16p13.
201- gene GAN
This gene is located on human chromosome 16.
202- gene ADAMTS2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in two chromosomal location , section 23 and section 24, 5q23q24.
203- gene TMC1
This gene is located on the human chromosome 9
204- gene HERC3
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 21, 4q21.
205- gene ANK2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 25, 4q25.
206-gene FGFr3
This gene is growth factor , it isolated on human chromosome 4.
207- gene FGFrl1
This gene is growth factor , it is located on human chromosome 4.
208- gene CD95
This gene is growth factor it is located on human chromosome 10.
209- gene FAS
It is located on human chromosome 10.
210- gene PTEN
This gene is located on human chromosome 10.
211-gene RRP1B
This gene is located on human chromosome21.
212 –gene CLAUDIN14
This gene is located on human chromosome21.
213- gene PENT
This gene is located on human chromosome21.
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 12, 3q12.
215- gene gastrin
This gene produces gastrin hormone protein it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 , 17q.
216- gene SHBG
This gene is located on the human chromosome 17.
217- gene KLF6
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 15, 10p15.
218- gene FERRO protein
This gene produces the FERRO protein , it is located on human chromosome 2.
219-gene AGXT
This gene is located on the human chromosome 2.
220- gene ASMT
This gene is active in the sexual system for the male and female it is located on the sexual chromosome X, Y.
221- gene T4
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12.
222- gene T8
This gene is located on human chromosome 2.
223- gene PALM
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19 in the section 13 , 19p13.
224- gene HADHA
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 23,2p23.
225- gene SPG3
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in two chromosomal location , section 11, section 24, 14q11q24
226- geneSPG4
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 22, 2p22.
227- gene SPG8
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 8 in two chromosomal location , section 23, section 24, 8q23q24.
228- gene SPG10
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12, section 13, 12q13
229- gene SPG12
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19 , section 13, 19q13.
230- gene SPG13
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2 , section 24,2q24.
231- gene SPG19
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 9 in two chromosomal location , section 33, section 34 ,9q33q34.
232- gene SPG5
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long and short arm of human chromosome 8 in two chromosomal location , section 12, section 13, 14p12q13
233- gene SPG7
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16 , section 24, 16q24.
234-gene SPG9
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in two chromosomal location , section 23, section 24, 14q23q24
235-gene SPG17
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in two chromosomal location , section 12, section 14, 11q12q14
236-gene SPG14
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 , section 27, 3q27
237-gene SPG15
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in two chromosomal location , section 22, section 24, 14q22q24.
238- gene SPG20
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 , section 12, 13q12
239-gene SPG21
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in two chromosomal location , section 21, section 22, 15q21q22
240- gene SPG23
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the region which connects the two brains halves , the defection in the SPG genes group causes the paralysis, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in two chromosomal location , section 24, section 32, 1q24q32
241- gene SLC21A6
This gene is one of the SLC gene this gene regulate the thyroxin hormone in the body cells , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 ,12q.
242- gene SLC21A8
This gene is one of the SLC gene this gene regulate the thyroxin hormone in the body cells , this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12 , 12p12.
243- gene SLC21 A14
This gene is one of the SLC gene this gene regulate the thyroxin hormone in the body cells , this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12 , 12p12.
244- gene SLC21A12
This gene is one of the SLC gene this gene regulate the thyroxin hormone in the body cells , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 20 in the section 21 , 20q21
245- gene SLC21A20
This gene is one of the SLC gene this gene regulate the thyroxin hormone in the body cells , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 21 , 5q21
246- gene SLC7A5
This gene is one of the SLC gene this gene regulate the thyroxin hormone in the body cells , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16 in the section 24 , 16q24.
247-gene SLC7A8
This gene is one of the SLC gene this gene regulate the thyroxin hormone in the body cells , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in the section 4 , 14q4.
248- gene CPP32
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 34 , 4q34.
249- gene MCH2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 25 , 4q25.
250- gene MCH3
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 25 , 10q25.
251- gene NEDD2
This gene is the growth suppressor , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 in two chromosomal location , section 34 , and section 35, 7q34q35.
252- gene THY-1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11, 11q.
253- gene RIL
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 31, 5q31 .
254- gene FHIT
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 14, 3p14.
255- gene TC9F
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in two chromosomal location , section 26 and section 28.
256- gene TGFB
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19 in section 13, 19q13.
257- gene TGFA
This gene is located on human chromosome 2
258- gene IFG
This gene is growth factor , it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12, 12p12.
259- gene METH2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 25, 11q25.
260-gene NERUROD2
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the brain , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 12, 17q12.
261- gene NEUROD3
This gene is active in the nervous cells of the brain , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in two chromosomal locations , section 23, and section 31, 5q23,31.
262-gene HFGF-9(N33)
It is one of the FGF genes groups , it is growth factor it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 8 in the section 22, 8p22.
263-gene TUSL3
This gene is tumour suppressor gene, it is active in the prostate cells, it is located on the human chromosome 8.
264- gene WWOX
This gene is tumour suppressor gene , it forms ,enzyme OXIDUCTEASE which causes the cells killing it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16 in the section 23 , 16q23.
265- gene AP2gamma
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 20 in the section 13, 20q13.
266- gene CDH1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16 in the two chromosomal locations , section 21, and section 22, 16q21q22.
267-gene MOMT
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 26, 10q26.
268-gene p16
This gene is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 9 in the section 21, 9p21.
269-gene KRAS
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12, 12p12.
270-gene p34
This gene is tumour suppressor gene it suppresses the tumour formation it is active in the lungs cells , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 6 in the section 25, 6q25.
271- gene WDR11
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 26, 10q26.
272- gene MLR
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 31, 4q31.
273- gene NR3CY
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome X in two chromosomal location , section 11, and section 12, Xq11q12
274-gene VDR(NR111)
This gene is located on human chromosome 12.
275- gene MYO18B
This gene is tumour suppressor gene it suppresses the cancer formation it is active in the lungs cells , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 , section 12, 22q12.
276-gene SPYR4
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 , in two chromosomal locations , section 32, section 33, 5q32q33.
277-gene FR3B
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 3 in section 17, 3p17
278- gene CD3D
This gene is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 23, 11q23.
279-gene CDE3
This gene is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 23, 11q23.
280- gene THY1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 23, 11q23.
281- gene ETS1
This gene play role in producing the progesterone hormone , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11, in the section 23, 11q23.
282-gene CBR
This gene is located on the human chromosome 7.
283- gene TFF3
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 21 in the section 21.
284- gene ST18
This gene is tumour suppressor gene , it is active in the breast cells it suppresses the cancer formation in the breast cells , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 8 in the section 11, 8q11.
285- gene HNAT3
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 12, 12q12.
286- gene HER2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 11, 11q11.
287- gene ID3
This gene is located on human chromosome 1.
288- gene nerve growth receptors
This gene is active in the nervous cells , it produces the growth receptors of the nerves it is growth factor , it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in two chromosomal locations ,section 12 , and 22 , 17q11q22.
289- gene USF1
This gene is located on the human chromosome 1.
290-gene USF2
This gene is located on the human chromosome 19.
291- gene p97
This gene is tumour suppressor gene , it suppresses the cancer formation , it is located on the human chromosome 3.
292- gene PROHIBITIN
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 21, 17q21.
293- gene NCP1
This gene is located on human chromosome 18.
294-human lymphocyte receptor
This gene produces the lymphocyte receptor , it is located on the human chromosome 11.
295- gene RPS26
This gene is located on human chromosome 12 .
296- gene GRB
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in two chromosomal locations, section 22, and section 24 , 22q22q24.
297- gene SOS1
This gene is this gene is important gene for the SOS system which controls the cell divisions mechanism ,this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 22, 2p22.
298-gene SOS2
This gene is this gene is important gene for the SOS system which controls the cell divisions mechanism ,this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in the section 21, 14q21.
299- gene HGF
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 22, 7q22.
300- gene NRF-1
This gene is located on human chromosome 7 .
301- gene THROMBOXANE A2 receptor
This gene , produces the receptors of THROMBOXANE hormone , this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 19 in the section 13, 19p13.
302-gene UQCRFC1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19, in the section 12, 19q12.
303- gene insulin receptor
This gene produces the insulin hormone receptors, this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 19 in the section 13, 19p13.
304- gene IRS-1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 35, 2q35.
305- gene POMC
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 23, 2p23.
306- gene ANT-1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in the section 35, 4q35.
307- gene ANT-2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome X in two chromosomal locations , section 24and section 25,Xq24q25.
308- gene ANT-3
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome X, in the section 22, Xp22.
309- gene THYROTROPIN receptor
This gene produces the THYROTROPIN hormone receptors, this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14 in the section 31, 14q31.
310- gene 5-H2 receptor
This gene is located on the human chromosome 13
311- gene DCP1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 23 ,17q23.
312- gene TF
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 21, 3q21.
313- gene DCP2
This gene is located on human chromosome 5.
314- gene GPX1
This gene forms the peroxides enzyme which plays role in the amino acids modification , this enzyme plays important role in the cell metabolism ,it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 21,3p21.
315- gene GPX3
This gene forms the peroxides enzyme which plays role in the amino acids modification , this enzyme plays important role in the cell metabolism ,it is located on long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 23, 5q23.
316-gene GPX5
This gene forms the peroxides enzyme which plays role in the amino acids modification , this enzyme plays important role in the cell metabolism ,it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 6 in the section 21 , 6p21
317- gene GPX6
This gene forms the peroxides enzyme which plays role in the amino acids modification , this enzyme plays important role in the cell metabolism ,it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 6 in the section 21 , 6p21
318- gene GLAST(SLC1A3)
This gene one of SLC genes group , this gene regulates the thyroxin in the body cells , it is located on the human chromosome 5
319-gene SMG GDP
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4 in two chromosomal location section 21 and section 25, 4q21q25.
320 gene HEXB
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 13, 5q13.
321-gene HEXDC
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 17 in the section 25, 17q25.
322- gene OXTR
This gene produces the OXITUCIN hormone receptor , this gene is active in nervous hormone , this gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 25, 3p25.
323- gene JAK3
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 19 in the section 12, 19p12.
324- gene LMPA2
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 18 in the section 11, 18p11.
325- gene QTL
This gene plays role to regulate the blood pressure , this gene is located on the human chromosome 17
326- gene VANDIX
This gene is located on human chromosome 3.
327- gene FECH
This gene is located on human chromosome 18.
This gene is located on human chromosome 18.
329- gene KC6
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 18 in the section 12 , 18p12.
330- gene GDNF
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 13
331- gene KAP
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 21 in two chromosomal locations , section 22 , and section 23.
332- gene HHIP
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 4, in the section 31, 4q31.
333- gene RET
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 11, 10q11.
334- gene KCHE1
This gene is located on human chromosome 21.
335- gene TRPA1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 8 in the section 13, 8q11.
336- gene HCC
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 6 in the section 26, 6q26.
337- gene bladder carcinoma
This gene is cancerous gene , it causes the bladder cancer , it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11, 11p.
338- gene LCA
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2, in the section 14, 2q14.
339- gene HOX11
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 24, 10 q24
340-gene ETS-2
This gene produces the progesterone protein , it is located on the human chromosome 21.
341- gene C-FES
This gene is located on human chromosome 15.
342- gene MAP3K8
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 11 , 10p11.
343- gene FB1N1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 13, 22q13.
344- gene MC4R
This gene is located on the human chromosome 18.
345- gene MERTK
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 14, 2q14.
346-gene WHT5A
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in two chromosomal locations , section 14, and section 21, 3p14p21.
347- gene PCPH
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14, in the section 24, 14q24.
348- gene GAST
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13 in the section 34, 13q34.
349- gene KCNE2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 21 in the section 22, 21q22.
350- gene MYCH
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 22, 2p22.
351- gene CH RMS
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15, in the section 13, 15q13.
352- gene CH RM7
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15, in the section 13, 15q13.
This gene produces enzyme CHOLINRE ACYTAL TRNSFEARSE, this enzyme is necessary for the cell division , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in two chromosomal locations section 11 , section 24, 10q11q24.
354- gene EHOSF1
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 18 in the section 11, 18p11.
355- gene TYMS
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 18 in the section 11, 18p11.
356- gene DOK6
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 18 in the section 22, 18q22.
357- gene F8A1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome X in the section 24, Xq24.
358- gene DOK5
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 20 in the section 13, 20q13
359- gene DAXX
This gene is located on human chromosome 6.
360- gene PHEX
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome Xq22.
361- gene UROKINASE
This gene is one of the KINAASE S enzyme genes , this play role of the cells division , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 10 in the section 24, 10q24.
362- gene TOM1
This gene is located on long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 13, 22q13.
363- gene LT
This gene is located on the human chromosome 6.
364- gene LHX4
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 24,1q24.
365- gene FOXP2
This gene it is growth factors it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 31, 7q31.
366- gene FOXP3
This gene it is growth factors it is located on human chromosome X.
367- gene gilail tumour suppressor gene
This gene is l tumour suppressor gene it is active in the gilail cells in the nervous system it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19. 19q.
368- gene GLIOMA tumour suppressor gene
This gene is tumour suppressor gene it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19, 19q.
369- gene FOXP1
This gene it is growth factors it is located on the short arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 14, 3p14
370- gene FOXP4
This gene is growth factor , it is located on human chromosome 6.
371- gene DNM2
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 19 in the section 13, 19p13.
372- gene DNM2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 9 in the section 34, 9q34.
373- gene CER1 this gene is located on human chromosome 9.
373- gene DGCR6
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22, in the section 11, 22q11.
374- gene CSX
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 , section 34,5q34.
375- gene CASR
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3, in the section 13,3q13.
376- gene CONDOTROPPIN RELASING hormone receptor
This gene produces the receptors of CONDOTROPPIN RELASING hormone ,this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 , in the section 12, 1q12.
377- gene HNP36
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 13, 11q13.
378- gene HK2
This gene is located on the human chromsome14.
379- gene TR2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 22, 12q22.
380- gene TR4
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome3 in the section 24, 3q24.
381- gene TR3
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 31, 12q31.
382 gene PROX1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 32, 1q32.
383- gene BASP1
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 15, 5p15.
384- gene PKD
This gene is located on the human chromosome 16.
385-gene ERM
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in two chromosomal locations , section 27, and sections 29, 3q27q29.
386- gene ERK
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 1 in the section 36, 1p36.
387- gene BID
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 11, 22q11.
388- gene KERA
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 22, 12q22.
389- gene SMS
This gene is located on the human chromosome X.
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 9 in the section 34, 9q34.
391- gene AP0C
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 19 , 19q.
392- gene CBLD
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 2, in the section 23, 2q23.
393- gene CUBN
This gene is located on the human chromosome 10.
394- gene MCA1
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 10, 10p.
395- gene PRODH
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 22 in the section 11, 22q11.
396- gene TUTR1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 34, 5q34.
397- gene TFF2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 21, in the section 22, 21q22.
398- gene TFF1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 21, in the section 22, 21q22.
399- gene HST1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 13, 11q13.
400- gene SCT
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 15, 11p15.
401- gene FABP
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 13in the section 13, 13q13.
402- gene T-cells lymphocyte
This gene is active in the T-cells , it is necessary for the lymphocyte , this gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 21, in the section 22, 21q22.
403- gene FUS
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 16, in the section 11, 16p11.
404- gene ZNF10
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 24, 12q24.
405- gene GAUGE 1
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome X in the section 11, Xp11.
406- gene MSN
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome X, in the section 11, Xq11.
407- gene NONO
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome X in the section 12, Xq12.
408- gene 14-3-3 protein chain
This gene is located on human chromosome 22.
409- gene FE65
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11, in the section 15, 11p15.
410- gene SAP1
This gene is located on the human chromosome 10,
411- gene CRAB1,11
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 1, in the section 21, 1q21.
412- gene QIN
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14, in the section 13, 14q13.
413- gene PCTAIRE
This gene is located on human chromosome X
414- gene UBA1
This gene is located on the human chromosome X
415- gene SEY
This gene is active in the sexual system , of the male , this gene is located on human chromosome Y.
416- gene MND2
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 13,2p13.
gene ADRB2 417-
It is growth factor it is located on the long arm of human chromosome 5 in the section 32 ,5q32
418- gene 2B (L6MD2B)
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 2 in the section 13,2p13.
419- gene D3
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 3 in the section 13, 3q13.
420- gene SCNMG
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 16 in the section 12, 16q12.
421- gene ODF2
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 9 in the section 34, 4q34.
422- gene CCND1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 13, 11q13.
423- gene FLJIO26L
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 13, 12p13.
424- gene C116RF25
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 14, 11p14.
425- gene ABCA13
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 7 in the section 12, 7p12.
426- gene AGC1
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 15 in the section 25, 15q25.
427- gene serotonin receptors
This gene is active in the brain , this gene produces the serotonin receptor , this hormone is one of the important hormone in the nervous system , it is located on the human chromosome 3.
428- gene H1 receptor
This gene it produces the histamine receptors the histamine causes the sensitivity , this gene is located on the human chromosome 3.
429- gene H2 receptors
This gene it produces the histamine receptors the histamine causes the sensitivity , this gene is located on the human chromosome 5.
430- gene H3 receptors
This gene it produces the histamine receptors the histamine causes the sensitivity , this gene is located on the human chromosome 20.
431- gene NKL
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 12 in the section 13, 12p13.
432- gene MDR
This gene is located on the human chromosome 20.
433-gene MDR1
This gene is located on the human chromosome 7.
434- gene prostate and colon tumour suppressor gene
It is tumour suppressor gene it suppresses the tumour formation it is active in the prostate and colon , it is located on the human chromosome 8.
435- gene TNXP
This gene is located on human chromosome 6.
436- gene MDK
This gene is located on the short arm of human chromosome 11 in the section 13, 11p13.
437- gene PAR
This gene is located on the human chromosome 12.
438- gene HERL
This gene is located on the human chromosome 6.
439- gene LEGAL23
This gene is located on the long arm of human chromosome 14, in the section 21, 14q21.
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