1-gene TPO :
This gene located on the 2p25 on the short arm of chromosome 2 in the section of 25 it is producing enzyme TPO which produces thyroxin hormone .
2-gene GAD1 :
It is located on the long arm of chromosome 2 in the section of 31 it is located on2q31 produces glautamic acid
3-gene AHH:
It is located on the long arm of chromosome 2 in the section of 31 located on 2q31 it is coding enzyme AHH which active in the lungs cells
4-gene ADD2 :
It is trans membrane protein which forms the cell membrane
5-gene EMX1 :
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 in the section 14 2p14 it is active in the brain it plays role in brain development
6-gene FSHR :
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 in the section of 21 2p21 it produces FSH hormone receptor
7-gene LCHAD :
It is located on the long arm of chromosome 2 in the section 23 located 2q23 it is necessary for the metabolism ,it is transition gene
8-liver fatty acid :
It is located on the chromosome 2 , it is active in the liver
9- Ferro protein gene :
It is transporter of the iron in the human cells
10-gene AGXT:
It is active in the liver
11- gene HADHA :
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 in the section 23 ,2p23 play important role in the metabolism
12-gene SPG4:
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 in the section of 22 , 2p22it is active in the nervous system
13-gene SPG13:
It is located on the long arm chromosome 2 in the section 24,2q24 it is active in the spinal cord
14-T8 :
It is tumor suppressor in lymphocytes
15- gene TGFA :
It is growth factor
16-gene GRB14:
It is growth factor binding protein it is located on the long arm of chromosome 22 ,2q22_24
17- gene SOS :
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 in the section of 22, 2p22 it controls the tranduceing of the signal of GAD and GTP
18- gene IRS:
It is located on the long arm of chromosome 2in the section 35,2q35 it is insulin receptor substrate
19-gene POMC:
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 , 2p23 it controls the Lipton and the fat mass in the cell
20-gene LCA :
It is oncogenes it is located on the long arm of the chromosome 2 in the section 14 ,2q14
21-gene MERTK:
It is located on the long arm of chromosome 2 in the section 14 , 2q14 it is proto oncogenes
22-gene MYCN :
It is located on the short arm of chromosome 2 in the section 24 it is proto oncogenes
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