the main forces in the physics are :
1-the strong force :this force is the strongest force in physics it is carried by the glouns the glouns are quantums they do not have masses they are found in the atomic nuclease the quark the sub-atomic particles which forms the hadrons that forms the atomic nuclease the hadrons are particles formed by the quarks the important hadrons are protons and neutrons connections between quarks which forms the hadrons happen by the glouns and quarks connections the quarks and gloun cannot be in alone case they are applied to confirment principle the glouns cannot leave the nuclease they are found only in the nuclease and the hadrons.
2- the electromagnitic force: this force carried by quantums called photons it effects the charged particles like electron muan and tau the photons force the electron to jumb from orbits to other the photons found as rays and spectras according to their wive length and their frequency they are found as gamma,X-rays,ultra voilent,visible light,infra reds (thermal rays),micro wives, radio
these spectra are arrenged as gamma is the higher energy and less wive length and higher frequency and the radio is the less energy less frequncy and longer wive lengththe elctromagnetic spectras they move in the ligth speed 3*10^8 but the diffirence in the wive length and the frequency according to this equation s=l*f
that s=the light speed ,l the wave length, f the frequency.
3-the weak force : this force are carried by paricles had masses called bosons W+,W-,Z they have massess equal to 93Gev and 81Gev this force controla the particles decays this force depend on the changes in the phases of forces they can unified with electromagentic force making electroweak force in the 100Gev
4- the gravity force: this force is diffirent from the other forces the other forces effect to the atom and the sub-atomic particles but this force is volumic space force depend on the body volume and the space this force can effect for long time but its force is the weaker it is less applied in the quantum theory and more applied in the reletivity theory which is represented as time-space wives the quantum explained this force as carried on quantum called gravton does not have mass .
the ratio between the electromagnetic and the strong force is 1/137
the ratio between the weak and the strong force is 10^-13
the ratio between the gravity and the strong force 10^ -39
الثلاثاء، 16 مارس 2010
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