the summary of the gene axis theory :
this theory is genetics theory , it explains the mechanism of the growth and differentiation for the cells from the zygote stage to the after born stage until the aging stage , any organism has thousands of the genes , the genes play the important roles in the cells formation and control the cells growth , division , function , and death.
This gene will not do their functions in one time and one stage , for every gene certain function can do it but not all the genes can do their functions in all the cells, for the example the human has 30,000 to 40,000 genes this genes will not do their functions in all the cells , for example the genes which are active in the nervous cells will not be active in the muscular cells , the growth factor for the kidney cells will not do their functions in the lungs cell , all the genes found in all the cells , the genes number for the cells is completed in the zygote formation , but not all the genes will do their function in the zygote , some genes will do its function in the zygote this genes , will setup to other genes to do their functions and the next stage after the zygote division to new cells .
The genes do their functions as lines or axis , the example of the genes axis are the growth factors , for every cells type there are growth factors , there is growth factor for the nervous cells , muscular cells , kidney cells , lungs cells , stomach cells and the other cells body .
The tumor suppressor genes are one of the genes axis examples, for every cells type there are tumor suppressor genes , there is tumor suppressor gene for the lungs , for the kidney like gene ORCTL3 . for the nervous cells like NF1 and NF2and the other cells body has its special tumor suppressor genes , this genes are found in all the other genes but they do not their function in all the cells, the cancerous genes can be considered as genes axis , for every cells type there is certain cancerous gene , like BRCA1 and BRCA2 which causes the cancer in breast , the genes do their function s in different cells and different stages , in every stage of the organism formation , every genes group will setup to new genes group ,
The genes do its function according genes group or genes axis .
The genes group do their functions in the body cells as networks , for example the tumor suppressor genes are active in different cells we know for every cells type there is certain tumor suppressor gene , but all them do their functions in the different cell and they form their special network ,the other genes do network like the tumor suppressor genes, the SPG genes for examples do their network, the SPG genes are active in the zone which connects the two brain halves , The important stages of the body growth and formations , is the stem cells stage , the stem cells can give us good understand for the genes axis mechanism , the genes group which active in the stem cells will setup to new genes group to do their group which do certain special function , for the example there stem cells will be nervous cells , and other stem cells will be muscular cells , the stem cells are formed in the embryo growth , the stem cells are embryonic cells they are not specialist cells , some stem cells are formed in the adultness stage like the fat and cartilage , the genes which are active in the stem cells which will determine its transformations to the new cell , the genes group which active in the new cells is setup by the genes group which active in the stem cells.