الأربعاء، 27 أبريل 2011
some mesons informations
The mesons :
This particles consists of the quark and anti quark, this particles controls the nuclear attraction between the nuclear particles they transports the nuclear force effect from nuclear particle to other , this particles is formed in the nuclear circumstances or conditions , the half time of this particles are determined in the parts of the second , this particles was supposed mathematically by HADIKI YOKAWA the american scientist of nuclear physics he submitted the nuclear attraction theory and supposed that this theory depend on the particles named it the pion this theory called the exchange transormation , this particles was named mesons by KARL ANDRSON who discovered the moun and thought it is the pion which supposed by YOKAWA he named this particles mesotone which means the middle particle because it was smaller than the proton and larger than the electron, this naming was changed to the mesons .
This particles were proved by discovering their types,PAUL and OKYALINI were discovering the mesons types , the mesons are classified into two types , quark model mesons , and non quark model mesons .
The quark model mesons are classified into vector mesons and the psyduiscalar mesons
The vector mesons include roh vector mesons , some states of the pions kouns phi mesons and omega mesons
The psiduscalar mesons include the ETA mesons the other states of the pions , the B mesons and D mesons
The mesons consist of the quarks and anti quarks , the quarks are the basic particles which forms the nuclear particles they are six as the following
Up quark u
Dawn quark d
Strang quark s
Charm quark c
Bottom quark b
Top quark t
This particles forms all the nuclear particles including the mesons , the nuclear particle called the hadrons .
For examples the pions consists of u and anti d , d and anti u, u and anti u, d and anti d.
The kaun consists of s and anti u , u and anti s , d and anti s , s and anti d.
The B mesons include the b or anti b with other quarks except the t or anti t it is the same for the D mesons include the c or anti c with other quarks except the t or anti t and the b or anti b, both the two mesons do not include band anti b for the B mesons and c and anti c for the D mesons the kaun too does not include s and anti s, themesons which include the strange quark and its anti quark called the omega mesons , the mesons which include the charm and its anti quark called the eta charm meson , the meson which include the bottom and anti bottom called eta bottome .
The top quark and the anti top quark forms just one hadron (nuclear particles) called eta top mesons
Some mesons masses larger than the proton , the mesons masses are measured by ev/c^2 which means the electron volt / the light speed square , the pion mass is 139,57 Mev/c^2
The kaun mass is 493,6 Mev/c^2
The D mesosns mass is 1,969 Gev/c^2
The B meson mass is 6,27 Gev/c^2
The eta charm meson mass 3100 Mev/c^2
The eta bottom meson mass 10 Gev/c^2
The eta top meson mass is 300 Gev/c^2
The other type of quark is the non quark model meson, this mesons is formed in the external conditions of the nucleus this types mesons have quantum number the quark model mesons , this mesons include the exotic messon which its mass more than 1 Gev/c^2, and have additional quantum numbers, this model include too the gluballs or glunium which it is gluons groups ( the glouns are the quantum which the strong nuclear force is carried by it) this mesons do not consist of the quark and the anti quark , the hybrid quark which consists the quark and the anti quark but it includes qusi gloun this gloun can be exchanged its energy upto 800 Mev, this model includes too the mesonic molcules which is formed from two meson unifiction.
الاثنين، 11 أبريل 2011
مضخات postive displacement pump
هذا فيديو يوضح مضخات (postive displacement pumps) هذه المضخات تكون اما مكونة من مرحلة واحدة او عدة مراحلو وتعتمد الية الضخ فيها على المكبس و هذه المضخات تستخدم لضخ المواد الكيمياوية
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