5th dimension
In the beginning I would like to say that the dimension system which we depend is static , but the universe is in dynamic case therefore the dynamic should be represented in the dimension system, this dimension system is formed according to the theory of relativity , it supposes that the universe is space-time network it gave many solutions for many problems in physics after the 19th century physics problems
We can suppose according to the physical fact that there is not static case in universe and the universe is in dynamic case , we can suppose the space-time network is in dynamic too
And the dynamic is a part of this dimension system, we can consider that the dynamic is dimension like the time or like the width or the length or the height
There are many theories submitted another dimension system like the string theory which supposed the universe consist of 11dimensions , and klose theory which suppose that there is another dimension in addition to the space-time , klose considered this dimension is like the loops
This dimension may be dynamic dimension , we can find the mathematical expression to the dynamic dimension this expression states that the dynamic dimension is the space derivative to the time
That Dd is the derivative of the dynamic , ds is the space derivative ,dt is the time derivative
There are many forms for the dynamic case like frequency, speed, velocity and the another motion types , the universe when it was born it was in dynamic case when the big pang is began the dynamic case controls the universe , every state in universe in motion the energy and the material , everything in this universe in dynamic from the sub-atomic particles like the quarks inside the hadrons the electrons in the atom and out of the atom the atom in the molecules and out of the molecules , the molecules too in the dynamic case , the rays in the universe like the electromagnetic rays and the free particles like the electrons mouns taus and neutrinos , to the huge bodies like the stars the galaxies ,
The dynamic dimension is represented in the diagrams as the curves like the frequency representations and the other motion types representations
the four forces in physics the strong ,the electromagnetic ,the weak ,and the gravity depends on the dynamic case to do their effect in universe , any case in universe need to the dynamic
we can form many dynamic formula which are the dynamic forms ,the dynamic forms are represented as the velocity which are the ratio between the position and the time
v=p/t, that p is the position, t is the time and v is the velocity
This formula is the relation between the time and the space it is corresponding to the first formula that I showed it in the beginning of this article ,the speed is the other form of the dynamic which is the ratio between the distance and the time as the formula
S=d/t, that s is the speed ,d is the distance and t is the time
In laplace formula is transformation from the space axis to the time axis or the contrary , the dynamic is the relation between the space and the time
We treat this relation as the 5th dimension
We can say that the dynamic is the transition across the space and during the time
In the relativity theory , the space –time network forms the universe ,
The dynamic same is the space-time relation
The uncertainty principle states that there is uncertainty to determine the electron position and its spin in the same time , this because when the spin is determined the position is not determined and the contrary , this we can consider that the electron position is the space and the electron spin is the dynamic and the required time is just enough to determine one of the two option , the three factors which we deal them as the dimensions play the important role in the uncertainty principle which applied on the electron , the space is represented by the electron position , the dynamic is represented by the electron spin and the time which required to determine one the spin or the position .
· the time is constant but the spin and the position are variable .the dimensional system is applied to the all physical system , the space dimension (length ,width and height ) which represent s the three dimension , the relativity theory added the time as fourth dimension , we can consider the dynamic as the 5th dimension is the ratio between the space dimension (length , width and the height ) and the time , it is the resultant of the space to the time, we will take the particles as the example of the movement in the dimensional system to which consist of the space and the time , we considered the dynamic as the 5th dimension therefore that the particle movement is the suitable example to the dynamic space-time system , the electron jump from electron orbit to other this due to the spin of electron increase , the dynamic space-time dimension is found in many energies fields therefore we find some change in the particles in the particle energy and particle mass this depend on the dynamic space-time dimension , we can call this dynamic space-time dimension (the dynamic point) this concept is the expression of any dynamic state in the space-time dimensional system .
The dynamic is the changes average for the position (space) and the time with respect to the state or the physical system .
There are two types of the dynamic the general dynamic universe dynamic such the dynamic of the space-time , the self-system dynamic like the dynamic state of the system like the sub-atomic and atomic dynamic , molecular dynamic stars and the galaxies dynamic .
We will study one of the states dynamic of the light speed equation:
This equation state that the light speed equal the wave length multiplied the frequency this in fact the electromagnetic waves speed , and the light is one of the electromagnetic wave s=f*l
S=the electromagnetic speed
F= the frequency of the electromagnetic
L= the wavelength
The electromagnetic wave speed can be considered as the real calculated number of the time –space dynamic , the electromagnetic wave speed is the same light speed which equal 3*10^8 m/s,
The wave length is measured by the length unit that mean the wave length can be deal as the space dimension , the frequency is one of the dynamic forms which can be treated as the space-time relation which include the time the frequency can be considered as the time inverse any dynamic case can be considered as time inverse we can observe that in the velocity equation :
Which appears that the velocity is the inverse of the time , but it isn't the inverse with respect the space which mean that any dynamic case increase with space increase but it decrease with time increase , the dynamic require change in the space and change in the time but when the change in the space is the larger than the change in the time the dynamic will be larger , the dynamic will be smaller when the change of the space is less than the change of the time , when the system is not in dynamic state , it will be in the general dynamic state , for example when a certain body exists on the earth in the static state it will move in the general dynamic state , we mean in general dynamic state is the dynamic of the body which gained it from the earth motion and the dynamic which produced from the dynamic of its molecules and atoms , the second type of the dynamic is the self dynamic which produced by the motion of the body.
The wave intrusion is one case of the dynamic dimension , we can understand the wave intrusion when we understand the dynamic is the 5th dimension .
Every system in the universe forms wave all the material and the energy is forming wave , therefore the intrusion happen to the solid system (the solid bodies) , this intrusion called the resonance , which means the intrusion between two waves , when this two waves be in the same frequency , same phase direction , and same amplitude , any wave can intrude with the solid body wave which cause the resonance for the solid body , this is clear example of the dynamic dimension , which explains how the dynamic dimension play the important role in the wave intrusion, the wave which formed from the non solid body when intrude with wave which formed from the solid body when they will be in the same frequency , same phase direction , and same amplitude .
So we can say that the waves intrusion is the result of the dynamic dimension , the waves are the forms of the dynamic dimension , and the intrusion between the waves is case of the dimensional intrusion.
The another example of the dynamic dimension case is the quantum intrusion which was done in experiment in Switzerland in 2003 when the scientists could to transmit the images of the atoms molecules and some sub-atomic particles by the laser rays , the images are transmitted by the dynamic dimension depending on the laser rays properties , the quantum intrusion is dimensional intrusion , the geometry should include the dynamic in the dimensional system in addition to the space (length ,width ,and height ) and the time .
the dynamic can be the transformation dimension , we will discuss this point of view in the following equation :
(e) is the energy ,(m) is the mass, (c^2) is the square of the light speed .
This equation is called the equivalence of the mass and energy hypothesis for Einstein , this equation explains that the transformation from the energy to the mass and the contrary depends on the dynamic , the dynamic in this equation is the light speed .
According to this equation the energy depends on the dynamic whenever the dynamic increased the energy is increased too, but the contrary for the mass , which will decrease when the dynamic is increased , as explained mathematically :
But the light speed in this equation which represents the dynamic factor is considered constant , generally the dynamic factor in this equation is the transformation factor between the energy and the mass.
In another equation we will find relation between the energy and the dynamic , this equation is the Blanc equation , which is one of the quantum equation , this equation states
(E) is the energy , (f) is the frequency , (B) is the Blanc constant which equal 6,625*10^-34 joule.sec .
This explains that the energy is depending on the dynamic , the dynamic in this equation is represented by the frequency , the frequency is the time inverse according to this equation that the result of this equation is measured by the joule , which is the unit of the energy , while the unit of the Blanc constant is joule.sec, and the frequency unit is the hertz , the hertz equal 1/sec.
The energies are emitted through the space-time as fields , the space-time includes the space-time of the cluster of galaxies and the sunny group space-time and the atomic space-time and the sub-atomic space-time , this the meaning of the relativity .
The energy in the universe in four types are :
1- the strong nuclear force ( the force which connects the quarks and hadrons together ) this force is carried by the gluon .
2- the weak force which controls the decays of the particles this force is carried by boson z and -+w .
3- the electromagnetic force which is carried by the photon .
4- and the gravity which is carried by the graviton .
this four forces are depending on the dynamic case , the (gluon, photon ,z ,+-w, and the graviton ) are quantum's and called bosons , the quantum is the virtual particle does not have mass , except the z -+w bosons which have mass , and carry the weak force , all the quantum's are bosons , the bosons are the particles which have spin equal 0 or integer , the spin is dynamic case , as we mentioned that the energies when be emitted will emit as fields in the space-time , this field we can imagine in the strong nuclear force which effects in the bounds of the atomic dimensions , the space-time of the atoms .
and we can imagine it in the other three forces the weak force which effects in the space-time larger rather from the atomic space-time and the electromagnetic which effects on the larger space-time , the gravity is the larger space-time that it can effects on the galaxies space-time , the fields of this energies in their special relative space-time depend on the dynamic case of the energy field .
the beginning of the universe (the big pang ) was very hot and dynamic the energy was the first to be formed and three forces were unified in one force (the strong, the weak and the electromagnetic ) were unified in one force is the grand unified force but when the universe is slowed the three forces are separated , that mean they were depending on the dynamic case of the universe , when any energy's field is slowed it will be cooled and this will make the masses of the particles this happened to the universe in its beginning , this mechanism happens inside the particles accelerators and the galaxies center s and happens too inside the stars .
we can understand that from the equation of the energy-mass equivalence for Einstein as the following :
This explain the inverse relation between the mass and the dynamic which represented by the light speed' generally the particles are dynamic too,
Most of the particles are fermions .
The fermions are the particles which has spin non integer , as 1/2 or 3/2 but some particles are bosons , the basic are 12 in the standard modules theory (one of the quantum theories ) this particles are (the six quarks up ,down, strange, charm top and bottom quarks , and the six leptons which are the tau moun electron and the three types of the neutrinos ), all the masses and the energies of this particles depend on their dynamic state , this particles forms the atoms , the atoms state depend on the dynamic state of this basic particles , the quarks which forms the hadrons like the protons and neutrons depend in the dynamic state , the dynamic state of the quarks called the asymptotic freedom , this dynamic state of the quarks determine the state of the hadrons which forms the nucleus of the atom , the electrons dynamic determine the state of the atom , it controls the chemical reactions of the atoms .